Apple Computer
Apple Computer.
Apple Computer
The New iMacs
- Faster, Cheaper, More Powerful
Apple Cinema Displays
Apple Mac App Store (MAC)
Apple Computer Technical Support
Apple Software Updates
Apple Developer Services and Products
iMac Support Site
Open Transport
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Be Computer
Be, Inc., went out of busines in 2001. Although BeOS was never released to the public domain, it is best represented by Haiku, open-source operating system inspired by the BeOS
Be, Inc.
- A mirror of the old, defunct Be, Inc., web site
The Haiku Project
- Open Source
ars technica: Hands-on: Haiku, the future of BeOS, is pure poetry 2009
BeForever - Current News
BeBits - BOS Software
- Site is still operating with Haiku apps
Haikuware - Software for Haiku
- A blog on BeOS & Haiku
BeOS Wiki
The BeOS Bible
- Now free online book
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College Oriented Sites
PColleges & University sites interest to me 8-)
Purdue University
- site of one of the top 5 engineering school in the USA and aluma mater to several Earlys
Purdue University Athletics
- Go Boilers!
Boiler Up!
Books and Book Clubs
Here are some online bookstores and clubs. Books and Kindle Family of e-Ink readers
Barnes and Noble Books
- On-line books and the nook e-ink readers
Best Book Buys Search
- Search for best Price
Yahoo!'s List of Book Price Search Sites
Banned Books Online
- Books that have been the subject of Censorship
The Great Books of Western Civilization
- Mercer University's Great Books Program
New York Times Books
- The consumate book review site (requires username/password which is free)
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Desktop Pictures, Wallpaper and Theme Sites
If you're a desktop picture/wallpaper/theme junkie, like I am, theses are the sites for you. (See also my other page
Cognitive Distortion
- Another nice Wallpaper site, both photos and computer art
Desktop Consoles
- Shareware Wallpaper and icons
- Collection of all types of wallpaper
Digital Blasphemy
- Computer art for everybody - landscapes, space and 100s of 3rd party pictures
- Free nature wallpapers and nature pictures
- Premier place for icons to enhance you mac experience
- nice computer art - I like the Holiday
- Great Desktop Pictures Archive!
Rampant Mac
- Very Good Wallpaper!
- Mac Site devoted to modifying the MacOS with icons - Not for the Faint-of-heart!
Themes & Schemes are for both Macintosh, MS Windows and UNIX/LINUX computers
- Home Site; get K and see hundreds of schemes
RAILhead Design
- Not only Schemes, but wallpaper, icons and fonts
MS Windows
- Lots of Windows theme places out there, but here are my favorites
Copland Icons
- Mac like icons for Windows 9x/ME/2000
- Icons & a program to change them
Window Blinds
- Best way to get a PeeCee looking like a Mac (Aqua), but more Windows looks too - customize the whole Windows GUI with Desktop X and other software
WinBack Scratcher
- Change System level icons and many other attributes
- Very nice icon sets and some very nice patterns in .bmp format
Icon Street
- Add a Mac menu-bar to your PC
Virtual Plastic
- Windows GUI info can be found here
- All themes for the alternative OS
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Desktop Publishing
Sites that are involved with desktop publishing.
Esselte Online
- Get a free font every month!
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Development and Scripting
Stuff for Macintosh programmers and scripters.
Apple Developer World
Apple Tech Info Library
Apple's AppleScript
Frontier Manual
Frontier Outpost
MacTech(tm) Magazine
Metrowerks Worldwide
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Digital Camera Sites
Photography and Digital Cameras sites.
Digital Camera Resource Page
- The First Site to Visit/Read
American Museum of Photography
- Exhibits a variety of artistis, research center, bookstore, shops & cafe
Battery City
- Rechargeable Battery Kit for Digital Cameras and other portable devices
- Program to download digital camera images
Cicada Photography Resource
- For the Serious Photographer
Digital Cameras & Imaging
Digital Review
- News and Reviews with a buying guide & links to other sites
Eastman Kodak
Masters of Photography
- An excellent site for your personal use of the great masters
- Philip Greenspun (MIT) extensive site
Steve's Digicams
- Another excellent site with reviews and more
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Entertainment Sites
TV, Radio and Movies
TV Sites
Radio Sites
AppleTalk Radio Show
- Wednesday Nights 6-8 pm Pacific Time (9-11 Eastern Time)
- Sunday Nights 7-8 pm Central Time -
A Parrie Home Companion
- Saturday Nights Live 5-7 pm Central or Sunday Repeat 12-2 pm Central
Movie Sites
- Movie Review Search Engine
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Financial Sites
Stocks and Bonds! Oh, my!
Armchair Millionaire
- Goal is to help you build a million dollar portfolio
Brill's Mutual Funds Interactive
- Famous Mutual Fund Site offering lots of information on funds
- CNN's Financial News
Daily Stocks
- Stock and Fund seacrch site
Fund Focus
- Fund information and search site
- Easy to use investiment site (Everything you wanted to know)
- Financial Newletters for Sale.
- Mac tickertape program ($25 Shareware) Cool!
Money Magazine
- Money Mag's excellent site
Mutual Fund Investors's Center
- a nonprofit group site with lots of Good Stuff!
Smart Money
- The magazine's web site
Upside Today
- Another site dedicated to stocks & analysis
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Fun Sites
Sites with some entertainment value.
Answering Machine
- Get Answering Messages Here!
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Game Sites
Neat Macintosh Games that are fun to play and the sites that support the games.
Ambrosia Software
- Home of
Mars Rising
Dark Forces Homepage
- Star War Games: Dark Forces, Jedi Knights, etc.
DogFight City
- The Fighter Pilot Trainer
Game Codebook
- Shareware database with hints and stuff about games
InfoMac Games Directory
Mac Game Gate
- Site with good Mac Game News and links to game sites galore
Mac Gamer's Ledge
The Best Mac Game Web Site!
Myst Hint Site
Riven Hint Site
WarBirds for the Mac!
- Internet pay-for-play WWII fighter simulation
University of Michigan Mac Archievs Game Directory
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Sites devoted to Apple's GarageBand Subjects
Apple Support for GarageBand
Apple's Discussion Forums for GarageBand versions
Bullets and Bones
- Although a rock band site, this link has more GB info than any other site!
- Hundreds of Free GarageBand loops
The GarageDoor
- All Things GarageBand
- Mac music community with Free musician web hosting, music downloads, forums, loops, chat, and more
- Free GarageBand and Logic loops
- For guitarists who use GarageBand and Line 6 Spider III amp
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Sites devoted to Hardware Subjects
All Firewire
- Firewire (IEEE 1394) Products News and Information site
- USB Product News and Information site
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Info-Mac & University of Michigan Macintosh Archives
HTTP versions of the Info-Mac archive for Macintosh Software
Info-Mac Digest (Frames)
- Web Browser Format - Digester (
Non Frames
Info-Mac HyperArchive
- THE INFO-MAC Archive
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Mac OS X
Sites for Macintosh OS X Resources - Programs, Reviews and other information
General Information Sites
The GNU Mac OS X Public Archive
- Open Source software for Mac OS X
Installation Instructions for Mac OS X OldWorld Macs (Pre G3)
- For the Pre G3 PCI Macs
MacAddict OS X SuperSite
- MacAddict Magazine's All-In-One site.
Mac OS X 10.0 Resources
- Latest Apple Technical Information Library (TIL) notices
Mac OS X Hints
- Information Clearing House on Mac OS X Tips
Mac OS X Review
- Continueously updated review of OS X
- A young Daily News Site
Native OS X Applications
- All the app's for Mac OS X & Darwin X
Project Freedom
- tips for bringing Classic Mac OS feel to Mac OS X
The X Files
- OS X Information From Around The Net
- Web Developers site with articles on Web Serving from Mac OS X
- News, discussion forums, etc.
Darwin Sites - Darwin is Apple's flavor of UNIX, which is the engine of Mac OS X
MacInstruct: Intro to Darwin Part I
- Good site if you want to learn about Darwin (
Part II
X Windows (UNIX) with Mac OS X - This is for UNIX knowledgeable individuals
XFree86 for Darwin
- Mainly dealing with running X Windows instead of Aqua
Xfree86 Instructions For Running X on Darwin/Mac OS X
- For UNIX Users
XFree86 On Darwin
- Info & Patches to get XFree86 working with Mac OS X
XonX Project
- A Sourge Force Project; not for the timid
Mac OS Applications, Utilities, etc.
Docking Maneuvers
- [F] Re-orient the Dock from the bottom of the screen and change other settngs
Mac OS X Icons (
- Great 132bit Mac OS X icons (Part of the MacNN sites)
Resources Mac OS X
- Shareware programs
- GUIs for setting/changing/using non-GUI Darwin utilities/apps/setings
- [Commercial] Access Windows file servers from Mac OS X & other Unix computers
Freshmeat for Mac OS X
- The Mac OS X version of the UNIX/Linux world for daily updates of Apps
More to come...
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Mac Software
Home pages and information for various applications.
Mac FTP/Web Sites
- Extensive List of Mac ftp and Web Sites
Aladdin Systems
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
Control Click
- The premier place if you're looking for Contextual Menu Plug-ins
- Home of one of the best Email Freeware and commerical programs
Internet Explorer
Internet Starter Kit
Greg's Shareware
Mac Ghostscript
Mac Orchard
Latest and Greatest S/W
Mac OS Zone
- Site for utilities and other enhancements
MacPlay Home Page
Peirce Software, Inc.
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Electronic Magazines or electronic versions of Magazines on the Web
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Microsoft Office Sites
Sites to help you work with MS Office
Microsoft's Office for
Macintosh Office Sites
Word 98 Bug Site
- Misery loves company; not many solutions
Macintouch Office 98
- Ric Ford's Great Site's Office 98 Reports & Issues
MacFitit Office 98
- If there's a way...
Windows Office Sites
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Miscellaneous Mac
Sites devoted to Macintosh computers
Absolute Mac Index
Ambrosia Cafe
- Another news and reviews site with OS and Hardware tips
AOL Mirrors
Complete Conflict Compendium
Macintosh E-m@il Resource Page
- One Stop Shopping about all Mac Email Clients
Macintosh Extensions Guide
Macintosh Printing Tips
- The Palomar Co.'s IrDA, TCP/IP & USB Knowledge Base
Macintosh WWW Frequently Askd Questions (FAQ)
Ultimate Macintosh
- Something for everyone
Unoffical Microsoft Outlook Express Page
- News, Applescripts & Tips on the Email Program
Olde Mac Sites
Apple History
System 6.0x
from Apple's ftp site
Daystar PowerPro and MacOS 8.6/9.1
-Using MacOS 8.5/8.6 or 9.1 on
PPC upgraded Macintosh computers
Running MacOS 8.5 on PPC-Upgraded 680x0 Macs
giantmike's OLD shareware
- The best gaming gems of another era, according to Giant Mike, from Amp to Zork
Herb's Mac Stuff
- Good h/w at good prices for the for the "compact" or "9-inch" Apple Macintosh line and the Mac II series
- Old Mac OS, h/w projects and s/w.
Illustrated Mac IIci Teardown
- Just what it says.
Illustrated Power Mac 7500 Teardown
- Got a Mac 7200/7500/7600? This will look familar
Jag's Classic Mac Info
- One guy's guide to all the "classic" Mac s/w and other info
Low End Mac's
- Site devoted to out of production Macs & clones
Mac 512 Users Group
- An Internet user group for everything Classic in the Macintosh tradition
The Mac Driver Museum
- A Collection of Orphaned Drivers for all Macs
Macintosh SE Support Pages
- Chris Adams famous SE and SE/30 site
old school browsing
- Old version of web browsers include Alpha & Beta versions, PC too
PowerPro 601 Homepage - Unofficial Daystar PowerPro 601 upgrade PPC card site
Printer Model Index - Manufacturers
- A stand alone site with printer specs, part of the Ultimate Printer Manual site
Resources for the Older Macintouch
- A site with links to other sites & a FAQ
SE/30 CD
- How to add an interal CD to an SE/30 - Cool!
System 6 Heaven
- The last free Mac OS that runs on older Macs
The Tech Page's Hard Drive & Jumper Specifications
- For those old Hard Drives
Underground Resistance - Another Macintosh Driver Archive
Unofficial Turbo 601 Site
- A resource for users of the DayStar Digital Turbo 601 accelerator card which fits IIci, IIsi, IIvi, IIvx and Performa 600 Macintoshes.
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Places to buy or check out music.
MP3 Sites -
For your
Diamond Rio
listening pleasure
- The MP3 resource on the Internet
Macintosh MP3 Info Site
- For Rest of Us! News on S/W
MPEG Audio Page
- Macintosh Oriented
- The premier source on the net for high-quality, downloadable music
Audio Explosion
- Looks like a full feature site, but I couldn't read the small print!
- New site with not all links working yet (10 Jan 98)
CD Recordings Sites
Compilation Direct (UK)
- Mainly Classical
The Music Connection
- Jazz, Blues, Rock and Classical
- Lots of stuff here
- Some FREE CD's, but mainly for the real young
superSonic Boom
- More expensive than other sites, but good blues collections
Traditional Music On-line Stores
Chesky Records
Music Boulevard
Windham Hill Records
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Networking Sites
Wired and Wireless sites with information on networking for us home multi-computer owners.
Practically Networked
- Site with reviews, tutorials and tips for SOHO networks
Small NetBuilder
Slashdot | The Myriad Ways of Wiring Your Home
- A very good article with comments
Cable Modem Info
- cable and DSL information site
Cable Sense
- provides simple help with sharing a broadband Internet connection including DSL
Home Network Security
- Carnege Melon's CERT's tutorial on making home networks safe
- Networking Macs for beginners & not so beginners
chrisp - Mac OS X and VPNs
- vailable VPN protocols and solutions for Mac OS X
Wireless Sites
- a news site for free wireless networks
free wi-fi hotspots list
- shows were all the known free wireless sites are in the US
Washington DC Wireless Access Points
- both free and pay for use
- a public (free/paid) wireless hots around the world
WiFi Planet
- news, reviews, tutorials, hot spots and lots of ads
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News and Information
News and Essays.
The Chicago Tribune
CNN Interactive
CNNfn - the financial network
DaveNet '96
Destination: Dayton
The New York Times
San Jose Mercury Center
- "The last word on the Internet"
Washington Post
ZD net
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Palm Pilot, the new Visor and other Handheld PDAs of Interest.
Palm Pilot for Macintosh
- 3Com's Palm Pilot for Mac Page
- Visor by the developers of the Palm Pilot
The PDA Document Repository
<- A Neat Site!
- Palm Pilots with Mac's
- Everything Palm for Software, Accessories and News
PDA Buzz
- Lots of Info and Discussions on PDAs
- One Guy's Experiences and Latest News for Mac Palm Pilot Users
Wireless Dimension
- Compare Wireless Phones & Service Plans
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Shopping on the Internet
Sites that are great for shopping or provide information on Internet shopping.
Consumer Oriented Sites
Better Business Bureau
- BBB's Central Web Site for US & Canada
Consumer World
- Site has consumer resources available on the Internet
Dolloar Stretcher
- Describes was to save $$$
Shopping Sites
- The world's leading on-line retailer
CarPoint Online Car Buying
- Microsoft's site previews car models and more
- Audio & Electronics. Check out the
Eddie Bauer
- Clothes for the Preppies like me!
J&R Audio/Computer/Music World
- Mail order Electronics of all types
Lands End
- Casual and business clothes for the whole family
<-- My favorite!
L.L. Bean
- The Sporting Appearel & Gear Outfitter from Maine since 1912
- Bid on Airline Tickets, Hotel Rooms, New Cars and Mortgages
- Site devoted to Close Out and Factory Reconditioned products
- Women's classic clothing site
Trade Out
- For businesses seeking to buy and sell excess inventory and idle assets
UNIX on Mac's & PC's
The other
operating system for Mac's and PeeCees.
- A news site for *nix running on multiple platforms
Linux Ports
- List of sites for other computers running Linux
- Project to port Linux to 68K Macs
Linux Today
- A cross platform Linux News Site
- The MkLinux Developers' Site
- Berkley version of Unix that runs on 68K Mac's
- Linux on the PowerPC family of processors
- A very popular Linux distruction
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Weather Sites
More than one way to find out about the weather.
- The Weather Channel On-line
Weather Underground
- Weather and Ski Info and the Weather Store!
Pudue University's Weather Processor
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Web Search Engines
Find Information Quickly.
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Woman's Topics
These sites are devoted to woman's topics and issues.
Cybergrrl Welcomes You!
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WWW Resources
Sites that have help for creating web pages
Learning HTML - Table of Contents
Rutgers Icon Archive
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